Industrie Maurizio Peruzzo Comfort Sp. z o.o. is a leader of textile production, both in Poland and in Europe. The Company manufactures both polyester staple fibre and fibre-based products such as high weight non-wovens and interlinings.
Products of the Company, thanks to their specifications, are used in many areas, such as furniture or construction industry, or as car interior elements. Each year we rediscover their superior advantages, which allow to increase their scope of application. Since 2008 this has been building thermal insulation systems – IZOVATA manufactured on the basis of polyester nonwovens.
It is interesting to note that the basis of IMP Comfort activities is an innovation in approaching production processes. This is translated into using state-of-the-art technology solutions which enables meeting the expected specifications with the use of possibly lowest amount of material and energy. As a first company in Poland and one of few in Europe, we used 100% of recycled PET bottles for the production of polyester staple fibre and then technical non-wovens, without losing any of the final operational specifications. IMP Comfort is one of few companies that can boast running the production based on waste-free technologies which do not deteriorate the natural environment.

BUILDING TRAFFIC ROUTES- aiming in reinforcing the base and separating various layers of the soil

BUILDING AND RECONSTRUCTING RAILWAY ROUTES – aiming in assuring the stability and the proper geometry of tracks.

BUILDING OF LANDFILLS AND PETROL STATIONS – aiming in protection of geomembran sealing against mechanical damages. Moreover, assuring of proper drainage of sewage and gas that appear as a side effect on a landfill site.

HYDROENGINEERING WORKS – aiming in reinforcing foundations of the soil and proper filtration of water.

DRAINAGE SYSTEMS, PAVEMENTS, TRACKS – always in places, where there is a need of preventing materials of various parameters and properties from mixing.

TUNNEL BUILDING – aiming in reinforcing the construction of a tunnel and stabilizing its foundations.
Click on more info below to view Technical Data Sheets on Geotess Comfort.
- Certificate-CPD-103
- GEOTESS_1100
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