Geosyntetics are used in building of highways, different kinds of roads, airports, car parks, strengthening slopes, embankments, railway track-ways, river banks, lakes, starve artificial water reservoirs. These are especially designed to strengthen bridge heads and flyovers. They are applied in building of artificial water channels, also to strengthen of high and steep soil walls to protect against sliding. These can be used in building of surroundings of landfills and disposals of poisonous substances. Applying geosynthetics in the earth building is the current besst practice. We use only products from the best European suppliers.
To find out about our products, suppliers and technical information about the raw materials we use please read the appropriate sections below.
We believe our clients may be interested in the theory and science behind building structures and that is why we have made all technical data sheets available to you.

HYDROBOX is an innovative, patent protected solution that allows to fully enjoy the beauty of vegetation.
Thanks to its patented structure, HYDROBOX collects water, which is gradually used by plants.
This allows for easier maintenance of home and garden vegetation in good condition, even during periods of droughts or while on holidays.
Industrie Maurizio Peruzzo Comfort
Industrie Maurizio Peruzzo Comfort Sp. z o.o. is a leader of textile production, both in Poland and in Europe.
The company investment is opening the line producing geosynthetics: polyester geogrids to the reinforcement of bituminous layers. Full offer of polyester geogrids was introduced into the market under the name of CERTUS G and CERTUS A.

Eurobent provides bentonite mats – so called “geosynthetic clay liners” – geocomposites designed for the sealing of structures in civil engineering. The sealing effect is provided by bentonite, a clay material – embedded within two (or more) geotextile layers.

THE GEONET TABOSS Soil Stabilisation System is produced of polyethylene (PHDE) .It is made of stripes, which are knurled double sided and spot welded with ultrasounds. The cellular
walls are 50,75,100,150,200,300 mm high.

Due to it’s top quality, strength and a broad range of applications, our HDPE membrane has gained recognition by Polish and foreign companies for uses such as:
- Rubbish dump contractors carrying out projects related to the environmental sites waste and by-product reclamation sites
- Fluid waste tanks
- Liquid manure tanks etc.
- Hydraulic engineering facilities and structures (sealants preventing water filtration through escarpments and water basin floors, channels, earth dams, etc.)
- Road, car park and petrol stations